Time-lapsed in situ optimization and kinetic analysis during the mechanochemical synthesis of light harvesting lead halide perovskites
FAPbI3 is one of the most extensively studied organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite systems because of its market potential in photovoltaics. However, the photovoltaically active black α-FAPbI3 can spontaneously transition to an inactive yellow δ-FAPbI3 at room temperature51, which imposes limitations on applying FAPbI3 in photovoltaics. Strategies to enhance the structural stability of α-FAPbI3 include introducing MA cations at the A-site, which strengthens Coulombic attractions and enhances the interactions between FA and I, eventually leading to improved stability of FAxMA1−xPbI3 compared to α-FAPbI352,53,54. Nonetheless, traditional synthetic methods fall short in enabling TLIS observation of the functional properties within materials, which can provide valuable insights into the structural dynamics under different synthetic strategies. Accordingly, we customized a spectrometer for TLIS UV–visible reflectance and PL spectroscopy during mechanochemistry. The spectrometer setup consists of an illumination arm that provides the light source to a sample loaded in a quartz jar, and a spectrometer arm that receives the return signal reflected or emitted from the sample (Fig. 1c). The light focused on and either reflected or emitted from the sample are collimated, and then collected and directed to the spectrometer. The optical signals during ball milling can be collected separately in both diffuse reflectance and PL measurement modes, which allows us to obtain the sample’s absorption and PL spectra, respectively. This spectrometer offers TLIS optical measurements with millisecond time resolution, allowing us to probe the dynamic processes that occur during mechanochemistry.
We mechanosynthesized FAxMA1−xPbI3 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) and observed each sample for 90-120 min using our TLIS spectrometer. The precursors showed an absorption edge of ~540 nm at the beginning, which red-shifted over tens of minutes and is consistent with the formation of the perovskite phases (Fig. 2a–c). For FAPbI3, the yellow PbI2 turned orange and eventually brown (Supplementary Movie 1), with the absorption edge red-shifting to reach a maximum of 825 nm after 48 min, consistent with the formation of the black cubic phase α-FAPbI3 (Fig. 2a). However, at around 53 min, the absorption intensity gradually decreased and the sample’s band edge blue-shifted, indicating a phase transition from the black α-FAPbI3 to the yellow trigonal phase δ-FAPbI3. To further investigate the origins of these spectral changes, we performed pXRD characterization on a sample that had undergone ball milling for 48 min only and another that had been ball milled for 90 min and then stored for 20 h under N2 (Supplementary Fig. 1). Clearly, the sample contained a mixture of α-FAPbI3, δ-FAPbI3, and PbI2 after 48 min of ball milling, but only the more thermodynamically stable δ-FAPbI3 remained after 20 h.
To probe the effects of introducing MA cations at the A-site, we collected TLIS spectra during the mechanochemistry of FAxMA1−xPbI3 with decreasing values of x from 0.8 to 0 (Fig. 2b, c and Supplementary Fig. 2). Unlike FAPbI3 that showed continuously evolving absorption spectra during the 90-min ball milling, the TLIS spectrum of each remaining sample reached a steady-state after different durations, remaining constant thereafter, suggesting that these latter samples did not undergo additional reactions during the mechanochemistry. For example, the absorption intensity and band edge of FA0.8MA0.2PbI3 reached their maxima at approximately 59 min and remained stable (Fig. 2b), with the corresponding times at 73 min for FA0.6MA0.4PbI3 (Supplementary Fig. 2a), 60 min for FA0.4MA0.6PbI3 (Supplementary Fig. 2b), 78 min for FA0.2MA0.8PbI3 (Supplementary Fig. 2c), and 80 min for MAPbI3 (Fig. 2c).
Upon introducing MA into FAPbI3, the diffraction peaks of α-FA0.8MA0.2PbI3 at 13.9° and 28.1° were clearly observed (Fig. 2e), alongside a reduction in most δ-FAPbI3 diffraction peaks. Notably, the PbI2 peak at 12.6° observed in FAPbI3 (Fig. 2d) was absent, indicating that MA facilitated the cubic phase crystal formation. A comparative pXRD analysis of the samples (x = 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 and 0) confirmed the cubic and tetragonal phases present and revealed that increasing amounts of MA led to shifts of the (001) facet’s diffraction peaks to higher angles due to the smaller ionic radius of MA (Supplementary Fig. 3)55. With the TLIS data, we are able to conduct a kinetic analysis (Supplementary Figs. 4 and 5), similar to a previous study on the in situ mechanochemistry of metal-organic frameworks. Overall, our observations concur with prior reports that MA can substitute for FA within the A-sites in FAxMA1−xPbI3 synthesized by two-step sequential solution deposition and lead to lattice contraction without lattice distortion; moreover, approximately 20% MA stabilizes α-FAPbI3 and suppresses the transition to the undesired δ-FAPbI353,56.
Mechanochemically activated, post-synthetic solid-state ion migration in lead-free double perovskites
Another functionality of the TLIS spectrometer is the ability to measure PL intensities during mechanochemistry. Thus, we conducted TLIS PL measurements during the mechanochemistry of the broadband emissive, lead-free, solid solution Cs2NayAg1−yBiCl6 (y = 0 to 1.0) double perovskites, with supporting post-synthesis pXRD (Supplementary Fig. 6), 133Cs and 23Na magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data, and PLQY being acquired. The pXRD data is indicative of the longer-range periodicity but insensitive to short range structural alteration and disorder, while the corresponding MAS NMR data will exhibit sensitivity to short range structural behavior and ion dynamics. As shown in Supplementary Fig. 6a, the pXRD patterns of the as-synthesized Cs2NayAg1−yBiCl6 remained similar upon alloying, matching the Fm\(\barHalo\)m space group of Cs2NaBiCl6, Cs2AgInaBi1–aCl6 (a = 0–1), and Cs2NabAg1−bInCl6 (b = 0.2–1)44,57. Owing to the shorter bond length of Ag–Cl (2.708 Å) compared to Na–Cl (2.736 Å), increasing B-site substitution by Ag is expected to induce a lattice contraction identified by a shift of the (220) facet peaks toward higher 2θ (Supplementary Fig. 6b)44,58.
The corresponding MAS NMR data for this system indicate that the B-site substitutions are accompanied by largely monotonically changing 133Cs (Fig. 3a) and 23Na (Fig. 3b) isotropic chemical shifts. The 133Cs MAS NMR data (Supplementary Fig. 7) shows that each composition exhibits a single narrow 133Cs resonance assigned to A-site positions that becomes more deshielded (from δ ~ 67 to 71 ppm) upon increasing Ag substitution (see Fig. 3a). In contrast, the 23Na speciation exhibits greater complexity (Supplementary Fig. 7) with broad (2.5 ppm, full width at half maximum FWHM ~ 700 Hz) and narrow (7.3 ppm, FWHM ~ 140 Hz) resonances readily observed. Although the 23Na chemical shifts and linewidths of the 7.3 ppm resonance are largely invariant to Ag substitution (Fig. 3b), quantitative estimates of their intensities relative to the broad Cs2NayAg1−yBiCl6 peak at 2.5 ppm demonstrate that this species grows with Ag substitution up to ~0.6 equivalents (y = 0.4, Fig. 3c), after which it noticeably disappears. However, taking into account the different amounts of Ag doping on the Na site across the series, Fig. 3d shows that the intensity of this resonance relative to the whole composition of the sample remains largely unchanged until the y = 0.2 composition, where a marked drop off is evident. We assign this species to [NaCl6]5− domains that display short-range order, but of insufficient size and long-range order to be detected by pXRD, which may have arisen from incomplete reaction during ball milling that created inhomogeneous nanoparticles with pseudo core–shell structures. As shown in Supplementary Fig. 8, we performed transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) on Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 and Cs2Na0.1Ag0.9BiCl6 as representative examples. The results clearly revealed the distribution of Na and Ag elements within single particles. When y = 0.9 (Supplementary Fig. 8c), the Na signal near the center was stronger compared to Ag, indicating that [NaCl6]5− formed the core in the pseudo core–shell structure. Similarly, when y = 0.1 (Supplementary Fig. 8d), the results were the opposite: [AgCl6]5− formed the core of the structure.
a 133Cs and b 23Na isotropic NMR shifts of Cs2NayAg1−yBiCl6 (y = 0–1.0, Supplementary Fig. 7). c Measured relative intensities of the two 23Na NMR lineshapes for the spectra presented in Supplementary Fig. 7. d Calculated intensities of the [NaCl6]5− NMR resonance relative to the whole sample composition, taking into account the Ag substitution at the Cs2NayAg1−yBiCl6 B-site. e Plotted 23Na center-of-gravity shifts (δcg) the spectra (Supplementary Fig. 9) measured at various magnetic fields. f Both 133Cs T1 components (T1α and T1β) extracted from biexponential fitting of the 133Cs T1 data (Supplementary Fig. 10), measured at magnetic fields of 11.7 T (gray) and 14.1 T (red) for the corresponding systems. g 23Na T1 values acquired at a magnetic field of 9.4 T and extracted by simulation of the build-ups (Supplementary Fig. 11). Data points that branch represent 23Na T1 values that became two-component. h Experimental PLQYs of Cs2NayAg1−yBiCl6 measured after storage under N2 for 14 days. The error bars for isotropic chemical shifts and integrated intensities in parts a–g were determined based on typical uncertainties associated with NMR lineshapes of similar linewidths and signal-to-noise ratios. The error estimates for T1 values incorporate the propagated errors from the integrated intensities of slices within the T1 dataset, as well as the fitting uncertainties from the exponential build-up analysis of the T1 data points.
The characteristic narrow 23Na linewidth indicates that they are unaffected by a loss of translational symmetry and ionic mobility, which would be more prevalent near nanoparticle surface and subsurface layers39,40, and is supported by the XPS data (vide infra). In contrast, the broader 2.5 ppm 23Na resonance is consistent with greater disorder and chemical shift dispersion, presumably associated with Cl volatility, defect formation, and migration. This resonance represents Na speciation within the double perovskite since a shift to higher shielding (from 3.3 to 1.7 ppm) is observed upon increasing Ag substitution (Fig. 3b). Indeed, the analysis of the 2.5 and 7.3 ppm shifts with varying external magnetic field strengths (B0) shows that the center-of-gravity chemical shifts (δcg) of these Gaussian resonances are invariant to B0 (Fig. 3e and Supplementary Fig. 9), suggesting that there is no second-order quadrupolar contribution to their linewidths. This is consistent with the cubic point symmetry in both cases, thus confirming that chemical shift dispersion and disorder dominate the resonance linewidths of both species.
The 133Cs T1 values from biexponential fitting of the saturation-recovery data (Fig. 3f) reveal that each system is described by a shorter T1 relaxation time component (50 – 100 s) that is predominantly invariant with Ag/Na composition, and a longer T1 component (120 – 700 s) that is dependent on the extent of Ag substitution (Supplementary Fig. 10). The 23Na T1 data (Fig. 3g and Supplementary Fig. 11) exhibits a similar trend in a less pronounced fashion and without the multicomponent behavior. Notably, the compositional dependence of the PLQY data (Fig. 3h) correlates with the slow component of the 133Cs T1 (Fig. 3f), indicating that the PLQY is associated with surface passivation, as explained in detail in the Supplementary Information.
In addition to the above study that focused on aged (2–3 weeks) samples stored under an inert atmosphere prior to post-synthesis characterization, we performed in-depth measurements on Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6, which exhibited the optimum PLQY characteristics. We prepared Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 by 6 h of ball milling and observed negligible PL intensity by TLIS (sample #1, Fig. 4a). After it was ball milled for a further 3 h and stored under N2 for 18 h (27 h total), negligible PL intensity was detected still (Fig. 4a). Intriguingly, after storage for a further 45 h under N2 (72 h total) without ball milling, we observed an intense signal at 680 nm by TLIS PL measurements, marking a dramatic 106-fold increment in the PL intensity after this post-mechanochemical aging process (sample #2, Fig. 4a). The PLQY values of samples #1 and #2 under 355 nm excitation light were 0.74% and 17.3%, respectively.
a TLIS PL spectra, b pXRD data, HRTEM images of c sample #1 and d sample #2, and high-resolution XPS spectra of e Bi 4f, f Ag 3d, g Cl 2p, and h Na 1s binding energy regions. Sample #1 is Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 after 6 h of ball milling, while sample #2 is the same Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 after a total of 9 h of ball milling and 63 h of storage under N2.
Ex situ pXRD analyses of samples #1 and #2 show that the periodicity of these systems over 20–40 unit cell length scales are ostensibly indistinguishable and remain unaltered from the original Fm\(\barsobat\)m space group (Fig. 4b). These observations are supported by the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) data (Fig. 4c, d) that exhibit observable lattice fringes for the (220) facet of the cubic phase in both samples. The Rietveld refinement results (Supplementary Fig. 12) suggested the formation of Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 that crystallized in a cubic Fm\(\barpencinta\)m space group. The Rietveld refined position coordinates and lattice parameters are shown in Supplementary Table 1. The fitting results indicated that the crystallite sizes increased from 112 nm (#1) to 402 nm (#2). This phenomenon was also verified by the HRTEM, which showed that sample #1 exhibited particle agglomeration, whereas sample #2 showed larger particles (Supplementary Fig. 13a, b), confirming growth of the nanocrystalline domains post-mechanosynthesis. After statistically evaluating the sizes of 100 particles from each sample, we determined that sample #2 has an average particle size of 185 nm, which is substantially larger than the average particle size of 17.1 nm found in sample #1 (Supplementary Fig. 13c, d).
Furthermore, we determined the valence states and elemental distribution of samples #1 and #2 using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Supplementary Fig. 14a shows the XPS survey spectra of both samples, confirming the presence of Cs, Na, Ag, Bi, and Cl signals from the Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 sample. The Cs 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 binding energies are located at 728.2 and 742.1 eV, respectively, for sample #1, whereas they decrease to 726.9 and 740.9 eV, respectively, for sample #2 (Supplementary Fig. 14b). Conversely, the binding energies of the Bi (Fig. 4e) and Ag (Fig. 4f) signals increased slightly, suggesting that the metal-Cl bonds in the [BiCl6]3– and [AgCl6]5– double perovskite sublattices strengthened after storage. Likewise, the Cl 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 binding energies at 201.0 and 202.5 eV in sample #1, respectively, are typically associated with Cl ions near surfaces, whereas the corresponding binding energies at 201.5 eV and 203.0 eV in sample #2 (Fig. 4g) can be attributed to bulk Cl ions59, which is consistent with greater ordering of the Cl chemical environment. The most notable changes in the XPS data relate to an increase of 1.1 eV in the Na 1 s binding energy from 1074.3 eV in sample #1 to 1075.4 eV in sample #2 (Fig. 4h), which is strongly indicative of a more electron-deficient environment surrounding each Na position after 72 h of ball milling and aging. This can only be achieved if Cl vacancies around each Na position have become quenched and populated through ion migration, thus reducing the bulk disorder.
We corroborated this hypothesis by 23Na and 133Cs MAS NMR spectroscopy (Fig. 5a). The 23Na spectrum highlights a prominent resonance at 7.3 ppm in sample #1, which is assigned to [NaCl6]5– nanoclusters in the bulk (see above) and is present through incomplete formation of the double perovskite framework. The small sizes and dispersed locations of these nanoclusters render them undetectable by pXRD and XPS. However, additional ball milling and aging up to a total duration of 72 h eliminated this species and induced a more ordered framework in conjunction with larger particle domains and optoelectronic performance, consistent with the TLIS and HRTEM data. This contrasts with the corresponding 133Cs MAS NMR data, which suggests that both the surface and bulk Cs speciation (i.e., the [AgCl6]5– sublattice) remains essentially unperturbed throughout the additional mechanochemistry and aging periods. In particular, the two-component 133Cs T1 data (insets, Fig. 5a) that characterize both the particle core and surface environments appear largely preserved, with the longer T1 components evidencing the retention of more covalent Ag passivation of the surface regions.
(a) 133Cs (left) and 23Na (right) single pulse MAS NMR data of Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 measured directly after ball milling; 133Cs T1 build-up curves fitted biexponentially are shown in the inset. The associated NMR parameters are presented in Supplementary Table 2. (b) Structure of Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 with the Na and Ag ion migration pathways indicated by paths 1 and 2 in red and gray arrows, respectively. The BI vacancy site is outlined by the octahedron with dashed orange lines. (c) Structure of Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 with the Cl ion migration pathways from the Na-Cl and Ag-Cl bonds to the X-site vacancy in the Na-Cl octahedron indicated by paths 3 and 4 in red and gray arrows, respectively. The Cl vacancy site is outlined by orange circles. (d) Energy profiles of the Na (red) and Ag (black) ion migration path 1 and 2, respectively. (e) Energy profiles of the Cl migration paths 3 and 4.
First-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations were undertaken on the Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 system to understand the origins of the solid-state ion migration after mechanochemical activation. We modeled the BI and X site vacancies of Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 by removing one Na atom from a BI site or one Cl atom from a X site, respectively, using a 2 × 1 × 1 supercell. The climbing-image nudged elastic band (NEB) method was used to estimate the activation barriers for the migration of the Na or Ag cations at the nearest BI sites to the created BI site vacancy through paths 1 and 2, respectively (Fig. 5b), and for the migration of Cl ions from either a neighboring Na-Cl or Ag-Cl unit to the created X site vacancy through paths 3 and 4, respectively (Fig. 5c)60,61,62. The calculated energy barriers for the BI cation migrations are significantly higher at 29.7 kcal mol−1 for Na ions through path 1 and 24.7 kcal mol−1 for Ag ions through path 2, respectively (Fig. 5d). The energy barriers for the Cl ion migration to fill the X site vacancy are substantially lower compared to BI ion migration, suggesting that Cl ions are likely the predominant migrating species. Notably, the Cl ion migration pathways differ in their energy barriers when originating from the Na-Cl or the Ag-Cl octahedra. The energy barrier of path 4 (11.1 kcal mol−1) is 3.3 kcal mol−1 lower than that of path 3 (14.4 kcal mol−1, Fig. 5e). This suggests that the filling of the X-site vacancies in the Na-Cl octahedron is more favorable when the migrating Cl ion is in closer proximity to Ag instead of Na. This is consistent with our findings from the XPS studies that the Na-Cl interactions in the [NaCl6]5− octahedra of the perovskite structure strengthened after storage and ion migration. Thus, we propose that the increased nanocrystal domain sizes after mechanochemical activation arose predominantly from vacancy-assisted Cl ion migration at the X sites.
To further probe the influence of the Ag dopants on the Cl ion migration, similar DFT calculations were performed on Cs2NaBiCl6. The calculated energy barrier for the equivalent vacancy-assisted Cl ion migration in Cs2NaBiCl6 is 11.0 kcal mol−1 (Supplementary Fig. 15a, b), which is very similar to that of path 4 for Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6. This suggests that the 10% Ag ion doping is not the main origin of the Cl ion migration. To experimentally verify that the mechanochemically activated ion migration is not limited to Cs2Na0.9AgBi0.1Cl6, we conducted TLIS spectroscopy on Cs2Na0.95Ag0.05BiCl6 and observed a dramatic 75 times increase in PL intensity at ~680 nm, albeit requiring a longer total duration of 195 h likely because of its intrinsically lower maximum PLQY (Supplementary Fig. 16).
In situ optimization of NIR-emissive tin perovskites with core-shell structures
NIR-emissive materials have been attractive for biomedical optoelectronic applications in the therapeutic window from 650-1350 nm, which is the wavelength range of highest penetration depth in tissues. Consequently, we used our TLIS PL spectrometer to discover and maximize the PLQY of lead-free formamidinium tin iodide (FASnI3) derivatives, which is known to have a direct bandgap of 1.41 eV63. Moreover, we can tune the bandgap and reduce the likelihood of tin vacancy defects in FASnI3 by introducing Br64. Accordingly, we mechanosynthesized FASnIzBr3–z (where z = 3.0, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, 2.4, 2.0, 0) with concurrent TLIS PL spectroscopy.
For FASnI3, we observed a weak PL signal at 870 nm that reached a maximum after 12 min, but the PL intensities gradually decayed slightly after prolonged ball milling (Fig. 6a). With increasing Br content, the PL peak position of FASnIzBr3-z gradually blue-shifted. (Supplementary Fig. 18). During our screening of the Br loadings for the highest PL intensities, we observed the highest intensity for FASnI2.5Br0.5 that was five times as high as that of FASnI3, which was reached after 7 min of milling, with the PL peak at 827 nm (Fig. 6b). Although the Br substantially increased the NIR PL intensities, FASnI2.5Br0.5 also appeared to be unstable and the PL signals decayed owing to the instability of SnII65. Further increase in the Br contents led to weaker and no NIR PL for FASnI2Br and FASnBr3, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 18d, e). The pXRD data across the entire compositional range retained the cubic Pm\(\barslot!\)m phase at both extremes, with a shift to higher angles from z = 3.0 to 0, in agreement with the decrease in lattice spacings because of the smaller Br ionic radius relative to I (Fig. 6c).
To further investigate the origin of the enhanced PL intensity of FASnI2.5Br0.5 compared to FASnI3, we employed DFT calculations to study the influence of the halide (Br/I) compositions on the electronic structures of the FASnIzBr3−z (details in the Supplementary Information). The DFT-computed band structure and partial densities of state of FASnIzBr3−z for z = 3.0 (FASnI3) and 2.5 (FASnI2.5Br0.5) (Fig. 6d, e) and those of z = 2.0 and 0 (Supplementary Fig. 19) suggest that the additional electronic states (brown, Br) near the valence band edge increases the transition probability from the valence band maximum to the conduction band minimum and thus enhance the PL intensity, which could account for the enhanced PL of FASnI2.5Br0.5 compared to FASnI3.
To improve the PLQYs and overcome the decay of the NIR-emissive FASnI2.5Br0.5, we decided to explore the in situ formation of core–shell structures, which has been established to reduce non-radiative recombination, fine-tune electronic properties, and enhance PL efficiency and stability66,67. Accordingly, we mechanosynthesized FASnI2.5Br0.5 by 15 min of ball milling with TLIS PL monitoring, transferred the jar into a N2 glove box, added different equivalents (relative to FASnI2.5Br0.5) of 1:1 FACl and SnCl2, and then continued the ball milling with TLIS monitoring. With 80 mol% of FACl/SnCl2 added, the NIR PL intensities increased 1.77 times over 90 min of ball milling (Fig. 7a), exceeding other proportions of added FACl/SnCl2 (40 mol%: 1.05 times; 60 mol%: 1.19 times; 100%: 1.32 times, Supplementary Fig. 20). The pXRD data (Fig. 7b) confirmed the formation of FASnCl3 as an independent phase mixed with FASnI2.5Br0.5. From the scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) measurements (Supplementary Fig. 21), Sn is uniformly distributed across the entire micron-sized particle, suggesting that the PL enhancement did not arise because of a passivating shell containing only FACl. Interestingly, the core region predominantly contained I, while Cl was sparsely distributed across the particle. An overlay of the I and Cl EDS data confirmed that Cl was more prominent at the boundaries of the particle (Fig. 7c), which validated our approach in enhancing and stabilizing the NIR PL properties by mechanochemistry of FASnI2.5Br0.5@FASnCl3 core-shell systems. The XPS data for FASnI2.5Br0.5@FASnCl3 verified the presence of Sn2+ and Cl on the surface (Fig. 7d, e).
a TLIS PL spectra, b pXRD data, c STEM images and the STEM energy dispersive EDS maps of FASnI2.5Br0.5@FASnCl3 after 1:1 FACl and SnCl2 was added under N2 to the mechanosynthesized FASnI2.5Br0.5. The dark-field image of a particle and the I (red), Cl (blue), and co-localized I and Cl EDS maps are shown, while the Sn data can be found in Supplementary Fig. 21. High-resolution XPS spectra of d the Sn 3d binding energies of FASnI3, FASnI2.5Br0.5, and FASnI2.5Br0.5@FASnCl3, and e the Cl 2p binding energies of FASnI2.5Br0.5@FASnCl3.
Through TLIS measurements in conjunction with mechanochemistry, we were able to observe the solid-state synthesis progress and evolution of the functional optical properties of metal halide perovskites. The TLIS spectral data from increasing amounts of MA+ while mechanosynthesizing α-FAPbI3 indicated the synchronous formation and decay of the metastable α-FAPbI3 phase and the stabilizing effects of the MA+ cations. We employed TLIS in the PL mode to acquire insights about the mechanochemical activation of Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1BiCl6 and subsequent post-synthetic halide ion migration that led to growth of the crystalline domains. We also exploited the TLIS PL mode to mechanosynthesize a NIR-emissive FASnI2.5Br0.5, which was structurally stabilized by introducing chloride ions to form a core–shell structure. Thus, our study underscores the potential of TLIS optical spectroscopy combined with mechanochemistry to accelerate the discovery and optimization of functional materials for optoelectronic applications. Furthermore, the TLIS optical spectrometer developed here can be readily extended to solution-based synthesis protocols.
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